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Category: Blog

Marine Pollution

It is an indisputable fact that seafood fulfill the nutritional needs of most of the world’s population. But today, the greatest resource, ocean is slowly being destroyed by human by the harmful practices of mankind such as dumping plastic waste into the ocean. Every second, a large amount of plastic waste is dumped into the...

MAS Holdings’ Ocean Strainer among finalists

MAS Holdings’ Ocean Strainer was named a finalist in the Water category as a part of the 2022 World Changing Ideas Awards. The ‘Ocean Strainer’ is a pilot floating trash trap installed in the Dehiwala canal in Colombo, and has expanded to eight other locations through open-source partnerships across the country since its launch in...

Happy Mother’s Day

“Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” —Robert Browning As human beings, we all are here because of our mothers. Life doesn’t come with a manual; it comes with a mother. In every step of our lives, she supports and encourages us. Whether day or night she was always there for me no matter what...

Eco bricks Bottle

A problem that many of us face today is the environmental damage caused by the release of plastics, polythene, etc. into the environment after use. The release of the plastics and polythene we use into the environment has caused many problems for the environment as well as for humans and animals. Today, with the advancement...

Happy Ramadan…

The month of rewards! Happy Ramadan…… Ramadan, the ninth or the holiest month of the Islamic calendar; is a very special time for Muslims all over the world. The month of Ramadan starts when the new crescent moon is first visible in the night sky and it is during this month that Muslims fast. Observing...

Galleface Cleanup 2022

Even though we have a lot of chaos as Sri Lankans, but we can’t ignore the plastic pollution. Therefore, zero plastic has given a higher focus on this problem in the protest area. There, we can see people are using a lot of plastic materials than other days. zero plastic hut has been built to...

Eco Bricks

Plastic wrappers and plastic bottles are the two main sources of plastic pollution . Most of the products in the market are wrapped using plastic . they are bread , milk , biscuits , snacks , etc. These plastic wrappers cannot be recycled thus , they end up in piles . Most of the liquid...

International Labor Day

Working People’s Day; May 1 International Labor Day to celebrate ‘Hemakat’ Heroes ———— It’s really working people who come together to celebrate May Day, with red bloodied memories that began with a sleepless revolution, and that countless workers have sacrificed their lives to this day. In other words, Labor Day is celebrated by the people...

Galleface Cleanup 2022

Inviting everyone who loves the environment and our country to join the large-scale cleanup and awareness creation. At GalleFace On the 30th of April (Saturday) From 3.00 PM onwards. Gloves and garbage bags will be provided.

Think for a moment …..

When it comes to plastics, it has become more prevalent among the masses due to the fact that it is the cheapest application available in the market, but the link between plastics and the environment is a catastrophic relationship that is incalculable in cost. This is because the existing natural resources are being destroyed to...