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Happy Ramadan…
Happy Ramadan…

Happy Ramadan…

The month of rewards!
Happy Ramadan……

Ramadan, the ninth or the holiest month of the Islamic calendar; is a very special time for Muslims all over the world. The month of Ramadan starts when the new crescent moon is first visible in the night sky and it is during this month that Muslims fast. Observing Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam where this holy period brings you closer to God. Moreover, Ramadan is a time when Muslims concentrate on their faith and develop more self-control. Hence, I believe, Ramadan is about good intentions. you can wait for the greater rewards ahead!
Precisely, you can add greener colors to make this holiest month combine with nature. Throughout Ramadan, Muslims gather for community iftars every night, with larger gatherings usually for feasts where single usage of plastic might invade your space. Thus, I believe, the thought of ‘Green Iftars’ with disposable alternatives in the celebration period will bring more happiness and rewards interim because as humans, we are responsible for the world around us and we must strive to make the changes we wish to see. Hence, the holiest period is the new episode to think anew.
If all of us, regardless of our faith tradition, were able to take stock of our connection with nature, and our consumption patterns, surely, we will be rewarded and the world would be a different and much better place. Happy Ramadan and think anew!