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Month: June 2022

Bionic robot fish to remove micro-plastics

  A team of researchers at the Polymer Research Institute at the University of Sichuan has been able to reduce the problem of plastics, a powerful environmental problem that is exacerbated by the current globalization. That is, they have released a bionic robot to remove the microplastics that have polluted the ocean. It is a...

Latest Plastic Alternatives in the World

Plastic waste is seriously harming our planet’s health. Single-use, broken, lost, and discarded plastic items alike do not decompose in nature, instead polluting our soil and waterways for thousands of years. A new generation of start-ups and research projects are developing plastic alternatives to try to stem the tide of plastic pollution. Plastic is cheap...

The latest activism of the zero plastic national movement.

On June 25, 2022, zero plastic volunteers, who love nature and are constantly committed to the protection of nature, organized a beach cleanup project and awareness program on the “Moya” beach in Negombo. One team of zero plastic volunteers worked hard to clean up the moya beach, which was littered with decaying and non-perishable waste,...

The world’s plastic pollution crisis explained.

Much of the planet is swimming in discarded plastic, which is harming animals and possibly human health. Can it be cleaned up? Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues, as the rapidly increasing production of disposable plastic products overwhelms the world’s ability to deal with them. Plastic pollution is most visible...

Let’s ban single-use plastics like in Canada.

The Government of Canada is considering banning single-use plastics unless at least 80 percent of Canada’s recycling facilities are approved. The Canadian government has not changed its policy, although many have expressed opposition. It would be worthwhile if the Government of Sri Lanka could enact policies to ban the use of single-use plastics, as in...

The discovery of microplastics in humans raises concerns about health effects.

Lung tissue samples from 11 people who underwent surgery at a hospital in Hull, Britain, have for the first time detected microplastics in the lungs of living humans. In 2021, Brazilian pathologists found polymer particles and fibers in the lung tissue of 13 of the 20 adults examined in São Paulo. Microplastics are made by...

‘Collect-Back’ plastic waste management model for private sector

The government has started real work to reduce plastic in all private sectors. Every private company seems to use plastic. With this new work, any institution must inform the government of the amount of plastic it sells or uses. The government also needs to know how much plastic they have reassembled. If there is a...

Happy Father’s Day

“A father is the one friend upon whom we can always rely.” If dad has been an ever-present force of love, support, and guidance in your life, it can be hard to know just the right words to express your gratitude and admiration when it comes time to honor him on Father’s Day. We all...

Is it possible to justify the Environmental destruction?

Animals such as whales, seagulls, dolphins, and turtles that come to the surface of the water are greatly affected by the plastic floating in the ocean. The plastic bag holds a special place because it is shaped like a jellyfish, a favorite food of turtles. These plastics can cause death due to obstruction of the...

Significance of Poson poya engaged with eco-friendliness.

Poson poya is one of the most important and precious days in Sri Lanka’s Buddhist calendar, as it was the day that Arahat Mahinda from India formally introduced “Buddhism” to the people of Sri Lanka. Undoubtedly, the ‘Mahindagamanaya’ is the most religious significant milestone in the history of Sri Lanka. This land belongs to all...