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Is it possible to justify the Environmental destruction?
Is it possible to justify the environmental destruction?

Is it possible to justify the Environmental destruction?

Animals such as whales, seagulls, dolphins, and turtles that come to the surface of the water are greatly affected by the plastic floating in the ocean. The plastic bag holds a special place because it is shaped like a jellyfish, a favorite food of turtles.
These plastics can cause death due to obstruction of the esophagus, obstruction of the airways, and even poisoning by the plastic. In addition to being trapped in plastic nets, turtles also find it difficult to escape from predators and find food. Also, the plastic near the shore prevents the newborn turtles from heading out to sea. More than 1,000 turtles die in one year.
The best way to prevent them from dying prematurely is to reduce the amount of plastic that accumulates in the sea. About 80% of the eggs they lay hatch. 40% go to sea. About 20% survive in the water, and only 2% mature enough to reproduce.

 Is it possible to justify the environmental destruction?

Humans save only 0.2% of their lives when exposed to plastics, chemicals, etc. that are added to the ocean. Is it possible to justify the environmental destruction that people are doing by threatening more and more?