We are Online Market of organic fruits, vegetables, juices and dried fruits. Visit site for a complete list of exclusive we are stocking.


12th Floor, New Building, SLIIT Campus, New Kandy Road, Malabe, Sri Lanka.




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Doubts about Zero-plastic Impact on 2023 ?

Doubts about Zero-plastic Impact on 2023 ?

Our impact is #not determined by how much plastic waste we #collected; that’s not our mission!

Our impact is #not measured by the quantity of plastic we #recycled; that is not our interest.

Our impact is #not determined by how many #strainers (plastic traps) we installed; that’s not our job.


Our impact involves training 9,000+ change-makers(#Activists) across the country addressing climate change.

Our impact is mobilizing 30,000 volunteer #hours combating plastic pollution.

Our impact is creating environmental awareness among 2 #million people in a single year.

Our impact is empowering 120 plastic #alternative small business owners.


And our impact has just #started! Stay tuned for the 2024 mega blast!


#Thankyou2023 #ZeroPlaasticMovement #Welcome2024