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Celebrating a Transformative World Cleanup Day with ZeroPlastic Movement

Celebrating a Transformative World Cleanup Day with ZeroPlastic Movement

In a testament to collective dedication and a shared vision for a cleaner Sri Lanka, World Cleanup Day was celebrated with unparalleled enthusiasm and meticulous planning. The ZeroPlastic Movement, in collaboration with the Central Environmental Authority and invaluable support from the Star Garment Group, orchestrated over 680 cleanups across the nation. This monumental effort was made possible through the unwavering commitment and active participation of citizens, friends, associations, and institutions who joined hands to cleanse and rejuvenate our beloved country.

World Clean-Up Day

The success of this ambitious undertaking was greatly attributed to the prioritization of safety, thanks to the support of Midas Safety. The joyous celebration, which echoed the spirit of a cleaner Sri Lanka, took place at the scenic Cinnamon Lakeside. The Colombo District Professionals Club played a vital role, providing invaluable support and guidance throughout the endeavor. Acknowledging the significance of collective effort, we extend our special thanks to the National Youth Services Council and the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils, and Local Government for their pivotal roles in making this day a remarkable success. Their collaboration underscores the importance of various sectors coming together for a common cause.


The Zero Plastic University Clubs located across the nation played an instrumental role in organizing and guiding all 680 cleanup initiatives. Their proactive involvement and leadership were instrumental in ensuring the smooth execution and success of each cleanup. Their dedication exemplifies the power of young minds coming together to drive positive change.

In this collective effort, we are not merely cleaning up our environment; we are taking a significant step towards building a cleaner, greener Sri Lanka. The impact of World Cleanup Day goes beyond a single event it’s a catalyst for a sustained movement to combat plastic pollution and create a more sustainable future.


Together, we are forging a path toward a cleaner, greener Sri Lanka, and this is just the beginning. Our commitment to environmental stewardship remains steadfast as we embrace a future where our actions leave a lasting positive impact on our planet.