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Tag: Environment

What is Environmental Pollution?

Environmental pollution has existed for centuries but was gradually followed by the industrial revolution in the 19th century. This pollution occurs, when the natural environment can’t destroy an element without creating harm to itself. Major forms of pollution include ; 1. Air Pollution 2. Light Pollution 3. Noise Pollution 4. Soil Contamination 5. Water Pollution...

We are Grateful to GLOMARK for joining hands with us

Zero Plastics is constantly doing its job throughout Sri Lanka , explaining to the general public the value of disposing of plastics properly and not using plastics , and believing that it has a responsibility to save the planet by carrying out various projects to that end . During this journey , we , the...

Is it possible to justify the Environmental destruction?

Animals such as whales, seagulls, dolphins, and turtles that come to the surface of the water are greatly affected by the plastic floating in the ocean. The plastic bag holds a special place because it is shaped like a jellyfish, a favorite food of turtles. These plastics can cause death due to obstruction of the...

Think for a moment …..

When it comes to plastics, it has become more prevalent among the masses due to the fact that it is the cheapest application available in the market, but the link between plastics and the environment is a catastrophic relationship that is incalculable in cost. This is because the existing natural resources are being destroyed to...