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Tag: ZeroPlastic

Let’s save water resources …

To a flowing stream, To a rising wave, Why you can not love…. Among the unique and precious creations of Mother Nature, water resources have an unlimited amount of space and value. Just as air and food are essential for the survival of all living things, including humans, animals, and plants, water is also essential....

Say No to Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are quite popular because these are light weight and thus easy to carry. Besides, unlike cloths or paper bags, we do not even require purchasing these as we go shopping. These are economical and given freely by the shopkeepers on the purchase of goods. Problems caused by plastic bags: 1.      Non-biodegradable Plastic bags...

Will the fire also be plastic?

During the Stone Age, the fire was discovered by two rocks and over time, various methods were used to make the fire. In that way, people invented matchboxes. Today, with the inflation in Sri Lanka, production is stagnant as well as the cost of production has increased. There is also a shortage of goods. In...

Let’s fix the plastic pollution!

Aside from cleaning up our oceans, which is a very significant first step but not a long-term solution, the best way to address plastic pollution is to change our mindsets and habits with this controversial but nonetheless beneficial material: 1. Reduce To efficiently reduce plastic pollution, there is an evident need of minimizing our usage...

Let’s Protect Our Mother Nature from Toxicity of Plastics!

The strongest bond in the world is the bond between a mother and a child . We are interconnected with our mother even before we inhale our first breath . But there’s that person who always taking care of all of us secretly . That’s mother nature . Actually , nature gives life to all...

Amazon Shareholders Reject Environmental Resolutions on Plastic Packaging, Climate Crisis

Amazon shareholders rejected a proposal that would have mandated that the company report on how much plastic it used, the plusses of reducing plastic use and the minuses of continuing its current habits. This was just one of 15 environmental or social-justice proposals that shareholders voted down at the company’s annual meeting Wednesday. The plastics proposal followed...

Plastic is also a threat to the Ocean

Marine pollution and plastic pollution are problematic for many reasons. Plastic is not biodegradable. Instead, they break down over time into smaller pieces called microplastics and nano plastics, which can have significant adverse effects. The impact on marine life ranges from the physical or chemical effects of individual animals to the biodiversity and the functioning...

World Turtle Day

It’s world Turtle Day today. The search bar in Google and the Windows setup are both reserved for today. Turtle conservation is a national obligation. Turtles are your responsibility since that is the race you came from in the ancient. Safeguard them. Even the plastic circles around the lids of the bottles you toss away...

Plastic Pollution

It’s time to change Over 300 million tons of plastic are produce every year for use in a wide variety of application . Plastic pollution threatens food safety and quality , human health , tourism and also the climate change . What we can do ? Recycling and reuse of plastic products , and support...

Be a Protester to avoid Plastic

I would premierly say, in the early ages “the Pearl of Indian ocean” is blessed with a huge scenic beauty rather than any other country in this world as people didn’t use plastic and polythene for daily tasks.in contrast in the modern society, plastics and polythene are commonly used in a wide range of industries...