We are Online Market of organic fruits, vegetables, juices and dried fruits. Visit site for a complete list of exclusive we are stocking.


12th Floor, New Building, SLIIT Campus, New Kandy Road, Malabe, Sri Lanka.




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We Say No To Plastic

Zero Plastic’s mission is to create a behavioural change among Sri Lankan citizens to reduce Plastic waste while building a demand for plastic substitutes produced by local entrepreneurs.

We focus on three main goals

  1. Build social behavior change (SBC) for 3R
  2. Get people to use sustainable plastic alternatives
  3. Expand and empower Zeroplastic Club network.

Zeroplastic Movement: A thriving environmental organization with 9000 dedicated volunteers. Together, we raise awareness and establish Zeroplastic clubs across universities, schools, and districts.

What We Do

We provide free information of the benefits and ways for business to be Zeroplastic.
We educate busineses and consumers to the benefits of replacing single use plastic.
We provide formal certification to businesses that have been inspected and meet our certification standards.
Non Profit
We are not for profit and working for common good.

Our Objectives

Promote reduce, reuse, recycle (3R) practices and strengthening local and regional markets for recycled plastics
Build social behavior change (SBC) for 3R and solid waste


  • Strengthened the force towards 3R concept – currently more than 9000 active volunteers
  • Executed Sri Lanka’s largest environmental walk with over 4000 participants.
  • Established Zeroplastic clubs across all state and private universities, schools, and districts, forming the largest club network across the country to combat plastic pollution.
  • Empowered more than 100 SME entrepreneurs who produce plastic alternatives
  • Introduced more than 350 plastic alternative products to the market
  • Many island wide coastal cleanups
  • Conducted many inter university ideathons, hackathons and competitions towards the plastic crisis
  • Executed door to door awareness sessions about the plastic crisis

Our Blog

International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystems.

International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystems Mangroves are extraordinary coastal forests found in tropical and subtropical regions, serving as vital ecosystems for…
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Embracing Eco-Friendly Self Care

Embracing Eco-Friendly Self-Care In a world where mindfulness meets sustainability, carving out a day for self-care that, need not harm the planet. Imagine a day…
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‘Mihikathata Husmak’ – Tree Planting at Hanthana

The Hanthana Project : A Green Initiative by ZeroPlastic Unit of CINEC Campus. In a world grappling with challenges to safeguard the environment, the ZeroPlastic…
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Sustainable living

In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of sustainable living cannot be overstated. With environmental challenges becoming increasingly dire, it is crucial for each of us…
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Inspire Change and Promote Sustainable Living – A Dreamy

Encounter with a Sustainable City I saw a dream, where I was wandering through a city changed due to the power of sustainability. The air…
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Promoting sustainable living style with glass bottles over plastic bottles.

As consumers become more aware of sustainability, many are making the switch to a greener alternative – glass water bottles.In the sustainable journey, using glass…
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Our Engagements

Our Partners









Why Volunteer For Us?

Become Volunteers
Zeroplastic volunteers are the perfect place for young minded people with love for nature, with innovative solutions for plastic crisis , who dream of an eco-friendly, plastic-free future and this is best place to show case your ideas , skills.
At this moment zeroplastic have volunteers from government and non government who work for achieve the objectives. You just might be we are looking for and this will be paving new pathways for you.
Click here to Register
Benefits of volunteering
Benefits you receive, - Be a Volunteer to heal mother earth - Valuable volunteer certificate - internship opportunities for Students - platform to showcase your talents - opportunities to become Leader - Network with all government universities and District Clubs - Free chance to attend to webinars for self growth
