World ocean day



World Ocean Day 🌍🗺️

Annually, World Ocean Day is celebrated on the 8th of June. This concept was originally proposed in 1992 by Canada’s International Centre for Ocean Development (ICOD) and the Ocean Institute of Canada (OIC) at the Earth Summit – UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The first World Ocean Day was celebrated in 1992, and “World Ocean Day” was officially recognized by the United Nations in 2008. In 2024, the theme for International Ocean Day is Catalyzing Action for Our Ocean and Climate. On this day, international agencies, organizations, and non-profit organizations talk about the impacts of humans on the oceans, aiming to create a healthy blue planet.

The oceans are the most valuable resource on the planet, directly impacting climate changes. Over 70% of the planet is covered by oceans, and they support the sustenance of each organism. The algae system of the oceans contributes to producing at least 50% of the planet’s oxygen and absorbing at least 30% of the carbon dioxide. The large biodiversity of species lives in the oceans, making them important for tourism. The oceans are the main source of protein for the world population and provide food and medicine for humans. Additionally, they are key to the world’s economy.

However, the ecosystem of the oceans is currently and will continue to be threatened. As a result, large fish populations and algae species have been depleted. About 50% of coral reefs have been destroyed. Furthermore, the addition of plastic to the oceans threatens marine species that ingest it. The decrease in the growth of marine algae directly impacts the planet’s oxygen and carbon dioxide percentages, global temperature, and climate changes. Therefore, protecting this system has now become a global goal for a healthy planet. Let us work towards protecting the world’s ocean systems for the sustainable development of the Earth by following and promoting the importance of marine protection frameworks.

✒️Article Written by: Jayani Bimsha
🎨Post Designed by: Prabodha Adhikari