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World Cleanup Day 2022 – Guidelines for Safety and Efficiency

Personal concerns

  1. Bring your partner, friends, parents, children with you for this massive volunteering project. 
  2. If you feel ill or having covid 19 symptoms make sure to cancel your participation.
  3. Dress appropriately- suitable for working conditions: long trousers, and t-shirts (long sleeves are better).
  4. Wear firm shoes/boots/sandals that ensure your safety.  
  5. You may not wear jewelry for safety purpose
  6. Do not bring any valuable items to the event premises if you do so make sure to keep them safe.
  7. Bring sufficient drinking water with you. (Highly recommend bringing non plastic bottles)
  8. Do not use alcohol, drugs prior to or during the clean-up.
  9. You should take the responsibility of your own safety. Please be aware and conscious about things that can cause injuries.
  10. Do not take unnecessary risks.
  11. Make sure that you are always with a group or minimum with two members.
  12. Volunteers under the age of 18 are the responsibility of their parents or guardians
  13. If you bring any tool from home, please mark your name on it.
  14. Ensure to wear your masks and wear the given gloves during the cleaning process.
  15.  Be ready for weather conditions as we cannot predict accurately.
  16. If you feel loss or in an emergency feel free to contact the site owners and the organizing committee. 

What and how to Clean

  1. When removing larger garbage items, make sure that no venomous animals are hiding in/under them.
  2. Do not pick leaves or branches as per garbage, they are not included as garbage.
  3. Pour out the water and drinks in old bottles and cans to reduce the weight, and flatten or crumple them, if possible, to reduce the volume.
  4. Remember to collect plastic bottles and cans to a separate garbage bag for the benefit of recycling purposes.
  5. Small pieces of garbage like cigarette butts, candy wrappers also need to be removed other than plastic and polythene containers.
  6. Rubbish that is too large to fit in a garbage bag can be placed next to the filled garbage bags for later disposal.
  7. Try to fill your garbage bags as much as possible before handing over them (to reduce the useless wastage of garbage bags)
  8. Lift your garbage bag, rather than dragging it over the ground or through vegetation, as that may cause it to tear and spill the contents.
  9. Make sure you don’t dump litter such as cigarette butts or empty lunch wrappers yourself.
  10. Take time to explain to interested passersby what you do and why you do it.
  11. Full garbage bags should always be tied properly to ensure that garbage is not blown out of them during transport.