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Embracing an eco – friendly life style.

Embracing an eco – friendly life style.

Embracing an eco friendly lifestyle

In the current world climate change has become a major issue. So , we are in a need of eco friendly concepts and eco friendly life styles.It is us who have to start up an eco friendly life style.When each and every individual starts sustainable changes in the day today life, collectively we can make significant positive impacts.
Let’s have a look at few eco friendly activities.

⭕Reduce energy consumption
⭕Conserve water
⭕Embrace the 3R’s concept
⭕Adopt sustainable transportation modes
⭕Promote renewable energy
⭕Eat sustainably

❇️Reduce energy consumption

Ensure your home is well insulated to reduce the cooling and heating costs.
Replace your old inefficient appliances with ENERGY STAR CERTIFIED models.
Usage of LED bulbs are also efficient.Use them instead of traditional incandescent bulbs.
Install solar panels to produce renewable energy.
When the electrical devices are out of the usage, unplug them to save the energy.

❇️Conserve water.
Repair any leaks in plumbing systems , because those small sized drops can result a large quantity of water.
Replace old items with WATER SENSE CERTIFIEd models.
Install a rain barrel to collect the rain water.
Turn off the devices , when they are not in use.

❇️Embrace the 3R’s concept.

The 3R concept belongs to the principles of Reduce , Reuse and Recycle.

Reduce : Minismize the usage of single use items and disposable items
Reuse : Instead of discarding the items , again again use them efficiently.
Recycle : Encourage the people to recycle the items.

❇️Adopt to sustainable transportation modes.

In order to travel short distances, choose to do walking.
Whenever possible, use the public transport methods instead of private vehicles.
Switch to electrical or hybrid vehicle.
If you plan to go on a long trip, consider offsetting the emissions by supporting carbon reduction projects.

❇️Promote renewable energy

Install solar panels on the roof to generate your own energy.
Support renewable energy policies.
Support green businesses.
Implement energy efficient practices and technologies.

❇️Eat sustainably.

Eat more plant based food items.They have a lower carbon footprint than animal based food items.
Plan your meal well and stop wasting food items.
Promote sustainable agriculture.
Reduce meat consumption .
Grow your own food items at your own garden.

Article by : Ruwanthika Sandali
ZeroPlastic Community at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.