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Imagine a world without plastic. How does it feel? Hard. right?

Imagine a world without plastic. How does it feel? Hard. right?

Imagine a world without plastic. 🤔How does it feel? Hard. right?
Plastic is an addiction. More we demand them, the more we addict to them. People are more concerned about plastic than the environment they live in.
Well plastic do make our lives easier and convenient. But with this kind of dependency, it will be impossible to imagine a life without it. Then what will happen to the nature. Do we really have to make the nature suffer just because our life become easier? That’s not fair.
Over the last few years, many news were spread around the world. Floating plastic in the ocean, marine lives with bellies full of trash, seabirds trapped in polethene, etc.
All these things started with a small polethene cover. It would be impossible to completely stop using single use plastic but we can start confronting them.
Let’s all slowly overcome our plastic addiction!🙌
Manushi Anuradha
Faculty of Management
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka